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Price lower from 8 to 10% than listing prize, support in paying interested rate and even if you don’t want to buy it anymore you can return to the sellers.... are what an investor offer for their employees.

Stories from a Company..

The investor spends 48 apartments in the HPC Landmark 105 Building for sale to employees with preferential policies (project perspective).
  Recently, the Hai Phat Group has announced preferential selling policies of HPC Landmark 105 (Van Khe - Ha Dong - Hanoi urban area) for employees with formal labor contracts with the company and also for member companies’ employees. According to this policy, employees could apply to buy apartment with price discount 8 -10% of the real value of the apartments and also have more benefits: allowance to transfer the owner’s certificate after 6 months since approved and the investor would support in finishing paperworks. Even if after 6 months, buyer have no need of living or resell to third parties, they can return the property for company and have the right to request to the company refund the money which already paid to buy before. Moreover, when receiving the refund, buyers also receive an interest equivalent to 6 months saving. For buyers who need to get a bank loan, the corporation also subsidized 0% interest in 18 months.   According to the leaders of organization who also is the project investor, there will be 48 apartments to sell for employees in the 1st phase. In the next selling phase, the policies will flexible according to the demand of the employees. Oviously this is a great opportunities for employees who have a long time experience with Hai Phat to have their own house. Not only that, the company also support employees even if workers do not have the need to buy anymore, they still have the right to receive the money which already  paid to buy the house, including interest rates as the 6 month saving term from the bank. In fact, many companies active in the field of construction investment always have policies to treat employees when there is demand for housing. Depending on the situation and the location, different incentives will be applied, but of course the discounts are usually more attractive than the external ones. In addition, employees may receive more special incentives such as: advance payment to pay for housing loan; Prolong the time of deferred payment; Increased support is proportional to the seniority of the company. For example, a large-scale urban development company in Da Nang, the leaders decided to reduce 150-200 million dong per house for the first time selling for the employees. Which is, equivalent to 10% of the value of the apartment. In addition, businesses also cooperate with banks, support low interest rates, ensure the ability to pay of employees if they need.   Business for employees - giving is receiving For a long time, the policy and treatment of employees have always been a hot topic in every enterprise. Of course, anyone who enters an organization to work is eager to make the most of their abilities, to contribute to the growth of the business. But to do this, in addition to the effort itself, the company receiving workers also needs a professional working environment as well as create the motivation, the cohesion of business with workers. In the field of construction said along, not less Viet Nam’s enterprise was realizing the power by adopting preferential policies for workers when buying a home - help more people have the opportunity to settle, enhance the quality of life both in the workplace as well as at home. And the way that Hai Phat applied nor is out of orbit. They have hit the psychology of the workers based on actual needs as well as the advantages of a business investment and construction. The Hai Phat group leader shared: "A connection between business and workers must stem from two sides. If the business really need, they will have the policy to retain, attract talent. And conversely, if employees see business leaders give the best benefits to himself, then having a suitable working environment despite the place where the other call, they are not really convinced. Buying a home is the largest of many workers. We believe that, the staff will see the goodwill of the business leaders with the desire to always act as the development, sustainability of the group ".
Mr. Nguyen Anh Dung - Deputy General Director of the company (on the right) handed over the purchasing contract HPC Landmark 105 apartment for architect Phan Trung Hieu - The first employee of Hai Phat Group is entitled to buy apartment with favorable price.
International Labor Day is coming, it’s a meaningful time of the year for all of us to see the role of employees in the development of society in general and of each business in particular. And most of all, the business for the employees always understands that they will receive the highest added value of the employees who are self-employed along with the prosperity and development of the business and vice versa. (Source

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